0 Make money PTU - Paid To Upload with Turbobit.net (Update 2014)

Turbobit.net is a free net space where you may upload your files, store them, share your files with your friends by providing them links to your files, and download your friend's files using their links.

I. Earn Money:

Simply upload the files to turbobit.net and share your files with friends, family and even strangers! You can be compensated for every download of your files or every time a premium membership is sold to customers you bring in. 

Choose the most advantageous for you to rate:
1. Mixed (Pay Per Sale & Downloads)
Turbobit Mixed
2. Premium Sale (Pay-Per-Sale, PPS)
Turbobit Premium Sale
Countries and groups:
А: Germany, Greece, Russia, Turkey, Denmark, Poland
B: Belgium, Norway, Slovakia, Czechia, Japan, Canada, France, Great Britain
C: Bulgaria, Holland, Spain, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Finland, Estonia
D: Australia, Austria, Belarus, Israel, Ireland, Italy, Emirates, Portugal, Romania, Ukraine, Switzerland, Sweden, Southern Africa
E: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Islandia, Qatar, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Moldova, Monaco, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Uzbekistan, Croatia
F: Brazil, Hungary, Vietnam, Hong Kong,Indonesia, Iraq, Kirghizia, Mexico, New Zealand, Serbia, Thailand, Chile
G: Other countries
* downloads will be counted for files greater 10MB

II. Increased pay to Golden Partners

Exclusive offer! Regular partners who successfully use the Turbobit file sharing service receive bonus of up to 25% of the current earnings.

Our Advantages

We pay for downloading files that range from 10 MB to 100,000 MB

We pay for all file downloads that are over 10 MB. We do not impose caps on uploads/downloads of large-size files. However, 100Gb is as high as you can go.

We pay 60%, 70% or even 80% of each sale made from the site

You receive 60% of any confirmed sale on PPS rate and up to 40% on Mixed rate. Plus 10% of sales from your referral website or 10% of sales from your partner file sharing service. Get additional income using solely your website, forum, blog, social network page or even your partner file sharing service. Golden partners can make as much as 85% off each.

We pay 40% of each rebill!

You receive 40% on PPS rate and up to 30% on Mixed, of each subsequent purchase of your buyer (if this purchase wasn't made on the file of another partner). We identify the buyer through the payment details. This means that our rebills work even if user clears the cookie, changes the browser and even if he uses another computer! In all these cases we will pay you % reward.

Earn money without uploading files

Copy and distribute files of other users and receive 90% of revenue. If you upload files yourself, you will receive 10% of revenue from each copied file. Increase your earnings by distributing your files and allowing others copy them.

Best Terms for Traffic from Russia, Ukraine and the CIS Countries

When you work with the Russian traffic for downloads from the highest-paying Group A, you derive max profits together with Turbobit. We pay for almost all the traffic coming from the CIS countries at increased rates (Groups A,B,C).

Stats in Minute Detail

Turbobit provides information about any payment, file, referral, website and even traffic sources for your account. You will know where the users downloading your files come from.

Additional monetization of the Russian Federation and CIS traffic

You can additionally customize the download of your files (for users from Russia and CIS), so that it occurred through a special program - a download manager from Mail.ru (in this case, the user can freely install Sputnik Mail.ru toolbar on his computer). For each unique installation of Sputnik Mail.ru you will receive $ 0.1 (for Russia) and $ 0.06 (for CIS). Additional money is available for any rate and will be added to your main income.

Rate Change on the Same Account

Switch your Turbobit account to a different rate once a week, if you are more profitable using a different rate. No more need to have 2 accounts or operate more than one file sharing service.

We pay for incomplete downloads

Turbobit takes into account more downloads than any other file sharing service and pays for incomplete downloads. Our partners get paid for unsuccessful and incomplete downloads.

We count downloads in the context of an account

We do not care if user have already downloaded any files you competitors, before he began to download your file. We will count download of your file for you anyway. For each an account, we only count 1 download for each unique IP in 24 hours.

Requisite Toolset for a Web Master

FTP uploading supports recovery of disrupted uploads during lost connections. The capability of creating several FTP accounts on Turbobit is available. Uploading of folders and subfolders with all files available. Optional manual file transfer capability in addition to automated file transfer. Secure remote uploading using the most popular file sharing services or any other source or resource. Please send proposals on additional new remote uploading sources to the support service.

III. Even More Payouts!

20% of earnings of each partner you brought on board

5% of earnings of each partner brought on board by your partner

Make money using your website by spreading Turbobit links and generating extra income. Or build your own file sharing service using your domain name and design. We will throw in all you need from the technical side (servers, scripts, and billing).

10% of sales from your website, blog, forum, social network page regardless of the file owner

10% of sales from your partner file sharing service regardless of the file owner*

The lowest payout is $10. At Turbobit you get paid three times a week! Three paydays a week through Webmoney or one payday every 15 days if you use PayPal;
Switch between the Download and Sales rates once a week.
Our partners are paid for unsuccessful or incomplete downloads by the users. Your income doesn’t depend on the quality of the Internet channels used by your users, since we do pay for incomplete downloads.
We score unique downloads from all countries and from one IP-address once per 24 hours for files over 0.5 Mb. We pay for incomplete downloads;
The percentage for sales is paid from the total sum of the purchase after deduction of the commission of payment intermediaries, aggregators and operators;
Your uploads must comply with the user agreement provisions available on the website.

 IV. Payment Proof:


Register and Start make money now
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0 CPM Publisher Network With No Traffic Requirement

With new webmasters face in monetizing their site trough a CPM network is the lack of option in the online advertisement market. Most of the reputed advertising networks, such as Tribal Fusion, Casale Media, CPX Interactive, Madadsmedia, TLVMedia etc. do require the website to generate at-least a million hits per day before approving them in their ad market.
Another reason why people often suggest that new bloggers/webmasters should not opt for CPM ads as with less traffic there is no chance of earning any significant money. However, this opinion is more of a myth than reality. There are a few publisher networks which accepts smaller publishers in their market place and they actually are able to make good amount of money. In this article, AdsReview will introduce the readers with five top CPM networks which accepts world-wide traffic and do not require the publishers to provide any minimun number of visitors or impressions 
5. CPM Go
CPM Go is a relatively new publisher network. They accept any site and there is no specific traffic requirement. Their minimum payout of $5 without any waiting time (no concept of Net-7 or Net-30) is a tempting prospect for any small publisher. They vouch for the fact that as soon as a publisher reaches $5 and requests his payment – it gets processed on the same day. They do not promise to provide 100% fill rate and have an option to insert back-up ad tags from other networks – which is a good thing. Usually CPM rate is on the lower side – around $0.10.
Lijit Publisher Network Review4. Lijit Publisher Network
Lijit is a proven publisher network with wide variety of advertisers. Low fill rate is a concern, however they make it up with relatively higher eCPM rates. Recommended for publishers with at-least 1000 unique visitors (2000 page-views) daily, otherwise it would take more than six months to reach the minimum payout threshold of $25. Lijit usually offers close to 30% fill rate and an average CPM of around $0.50. Payment cycle is Net-30.
Pulsepoint Publisher Network Review3. PulsePoint (Contextweb)
PulsePoint, formerly known as Contextweb and Adsdaq, is a veteran player in CPM Network market. They proved to be a reliable network with a few unique features like Ask Price & Back-Up Network Tag. Minimum payout is on the higher side at $50, but is achievable for most bloggers with around 500 daily visitors. Average CPM rate of around $.20 for Indian traffic is not bad either, however low fill-rate of around 25% is a down-side – but they cover it up by supporting a publisher’s back-up ad tag from another network.
Qadbra AdsGadget Review2. Qadabra (AdsGadget)
Quadabra, formerly known as AdsGadget, is a legitimate publisher ad network with good reputation. One of the best for small publishers as they do not require any minimum number of impressions to approve a site/blog. Although their CPM rate is on the lower side at around $0.05, webmasters could actually achive a higher effective CPM rate by placing multiple ads of different size on the same page. They have a good advertiser base for India and other Asian countries. Their payment term is Net-45 and they pay regularly – sometimes a couple of days in advance.
Adversa Publisher Network Review1. Adversal Publisher Network
Adversal is a veteran player in online advertisement industry having served million of advertisers and publishers since 2003. They have built a repute of their own through dedication and hard work. Excellent customer support and 100% fill rate for all world-wide impressions are the highlights of Adversal Publisher Network. For Indian traffic, publishers can get a CPM rate of around $0.25 and their payout thresh-hold is $20. They pay the publishers on Net-35 basis.
There is no explicit traffic requirement to become a publisher at Adversal, but the website must have quality content to get approved by them. They manually review publisher site and only accept site with original/unique content. They have an excellent reporting system which shows the ad impressions based on the visitors’ geographic location. After comparing their reports with Google Analytics, I can very well vouch for the fact that they provide genuine reports.
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1 CPM ad network scam

Hi everybody. It’s a known fact that there are a huge number of Scam Publisher Networks over the internet. While it’s a good idea to list down all such scam networks, but it’s not a full-proof solution to prevent webmasters from getting exploited by them as the list is never-ending. I will try my best to capture all such fake CPM Publisher Networks for the benefit of webmasters.

We have categorized the fake networks in to two different categories -> A. Confirmed Scam and 2. Under Scanner. Hope, these naming conventions are self explanatory. Please feel free put forward your suggestion and feedback -

10. Palinga
URL -> http://palinga.com
Status -> Under Scanner
Reason -> Complaint : Don’t pay publisher. Don’t respond over emails or calls. Review requested by India Webmasters Forum member raj.joshi999.
 9. Blue Advertise Or Dex Platform
URL -> http://blueadvertise.comStatus -> Confirmed Scam
Reason -> Ban publishers after reaching minimum payout.
 8. Adotic Media
Status -> Confirmed Scam
Reason -> Don’t pay publishers. Used to pay till 2010.
 7. Trikona Network
URL -> http://trikonanetwork.com
Status -> Under Scanner
Reason -> Few received payments, most didn’t.
 6. Adfoc.us
URL -> http://adfoc.us
Status -> Confirmed Scam
Reason -> Stopped paying publishers from Dec 2012.
 5. CPM Fun
Status -> Under Scanner
Reason -> Many publishers got paid, although there are complaints as well that they pays the ones with minimal earning while ban publishers who earn handsomely.
 4. CPM Biz
URL -> http://cpm.biz
Status -> Confirmed Scam
Reason -> Don’t pay publishers. Used to pay till 2012.
 3. Tech CPM
Status -> Under Scanner
Reason -> Complaints of a large chunk of publishers not being paid. A few who are fortunate to receive payments, got it after considerable delays. There are complaints that they cheat publishers by showing much less impressions compared to what the publishers actually generated.
 2. Adon Exchange
Status -> Confirmed Scam
Reason -> Don’t pay publishers. Provides ads with malware/redirects.
 1. CPM Solution
Status -> Confirmed Scam
Reason -> They have an unique concept of scamming. They pay publishers one or two small payments initially and when publishers start trusting them and send more traffic, eventually they stop paying. Don’t reply to e-mails. Phone number given is non existent.
Copyrigth by adsreview
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0 Coupon Godaddy August 2013

1. Discount 30% register or renew domain.
Coupon Code: GDBBKA994

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0 Coupon Namecheap August 2013

It’s August! Here are some specials this month:
  • FUNINTHESUN will give you discounts on one year registrations of com/net/org/biz and one year transfers of com/net/org/info/biz domains
  • SUBLIMEBIZ is your code for 20% off the first billing cycle of shared hosting.
  • FUTUREVPS is your 10% discount code for your first billing cycle of VPS hosting.
All coupon can use Palpal for payment.
If you don't have account on Namecheap, Please create new account for discount register domain only 0.98$.  Link register here

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CC.CC Network Description
Shorten urls and Earn money!
We are a free URL shortener service that pays you!You get paid for every person who visits your URLs.
Earn $7.50 / 1000 visitors to your links.
Get tiny URLs, great for when text space is limited.
Refer users and get a massive 20% commission.
Easy-to-reach $1.00 minimum payout.
CC.CC Network Details
Commission Type:URL Shortener
Minimum Payment:$1.00
Payment Frequency:Request
Payment Method:Paypal
Contact:Telephone: +82-31-919-6171
Email: hlp@cc.cc, sales@cc.cc
Join This Network:  http://cc.cc
CC.CC Payment Proof

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1 EroAdvertising

Ero-Advertising Network Description
EroAdvertising specializes in driving growth for the world’s leading adult brands through expertise and innovation across our global ad network. Although we are a global ad network, we offer one platform, with local expertise and support.
Since 2006 it is our mission to give professional personal service and attention to our Advertisers and Publishers and to create, maintain and optimize the best Ad Network in the online Adult Entertainment Industry.
Take advantage of our experience, either local or global. CPM, CPC, Flat Fee buys, whatever you might need, we offer the right tailor-made solutions.
Become a EroAdvertising.com publisher and start generating results from your online activities.
  • You will be able to partner with some of the most popular online brands
  • Be sure to receive regular communication from our highly responsive account management teams. Keep you up to date with the latest programme news via email, telephone, forums, social networking platforms etc.
  • Receive regular payments
Ero-Advertising Network Details
Commission Type:CPC,CPM,Adult
Minimum Payment:€10
Payment Frequency:NET 7
Payment Method:PayPal ,Bankwire, Payoneer , Paxum
Contact:Telephone:+31 (0)412 676 007 Email:info@ero-advertising.com
Join This Network: http://ero-advertising.com
Ero-Advertising Payment Proof:   
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0 InDemandAds

InDemandAds Network Description
We give you access to a vast and powerful set of tools that were only reserved for the biggest sites, but simplified so any body can use them.
In Demand Ads uses Sticky Ad technology to give your site new places for ads that you never thought possible. Ads that slide out from any side of the screen giving you a aswome new way to display banner ads
InDemandAds Network Details
Commission Type:CPC(Cost Per Click), CPM(Cost Per Impressions)
Minimum Payment:$ 5
Payment Frequency:NET30
Payment Method:Paypal,Cheque
Email:  lewie@indemandads.com
Join This Network: http://indemandads.com
InDemandAds Payment Proof:
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