How to Attract 3000 Facebook Fans in 30 Days !

Facebook fans are very important for your business. Online businesses need more and more visitors to the websites. Online marketer must know that how to attract so many Facebook fans quickly. We can get 3000 facebook fans within 30 days. There is a specific procedure to attract 3000 facebook fans to our business.
MySpace has become old and nowadays people focus more on Facebook, that’s why it has just become one of the best places for the individual product’s sale. Facebook has become the most famous social networking website in the world. Facebook has about 800 million users. If someone is promoting his product in the internet, especially in facebook, and he want so many fans quickly then he must follow some basic steps to increase no of fans of his product.

Try To Ask Questions
Whenever you post any status in facebook always try to update asking a question, or you can create a poll, where people can get excited to answer your questions and answer the poll. By this way you can know the opinion of facebook users as well as you can get popularity. You can also do one thing is that provide some good forums to your followers for getting their opinions, and surely this will inspire some good responses.  There are many people who really spend many hours on facebook everyday. It is very easy to get responses and thoughts of those people.
Always post anything creative, interesting on your facebook wall. You also must provide your opinion in that discussion.

Proper Respond

It is very important to respond and interact with people on facebook. When you post any question on the status then you must discuss with the people who are giving answers of your questions. People enjoy spending more time and money, but they really don’t like to waste their time and money to talking to a void. You can also ask follow-up questions to the followers who reply often.  You can also start hosting free webinars to talk about some relevant and interesting topics that are really taking a lot of wall time especially on your personal Facebook page.

Always post more of personalize Comments

It is very important for you to post your personal views or opinions to the responses of your followers. As we all know that Facebook doesn’t have the facility of threaded commenting, but at least we can address people as “@username.”  This is a nice way to discuss with followers when so many followers respond to your status.  By this way you can simply acknowledge the particular person who have asked a question or respond brilliantly your status; this really makes the particular person feel very special.

You Should Maintain An Optimistic and Helpful Image

You need to maintain your positive attitude while interesting with your followers, always try to keep your tone very light and good, and never become aggressive while discussions. You also must have patience when any criticize you or your business, product. These all are some simple steps to attract more and more facebook fans quickly.


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