The first step to building your own website and earning money as an internet marketer usually begins with researching and registering a domain name. If you plan to really build a site out and develop a brand around your domain name, you don’t necessarily want to go with the least expensive registrar. You want someone with whom you are comfortable trusting your domains for the long term.
Namecheap seems to be the most reliable domain registrar around. While not the cheapest, their pricing is competitive and their service is the best in the industry. They have great support and tend to be friendly with internet marketers. I’ve heard horror stories of domain companies like GoDaddy snatching domains away from you at their discretion. With Namecheap, you’ll never see that happen.
Namecheap’s interface is great to work with. They don’t bombard you with upsells during the checkout process, and the layout is clean and user-friendly. Their support and knowledge base is top-rate as well.
Competitive pricing for each type of TLD. | |
Easy interface to work with and manage your domains. | |
No annoying upsell options that are typical with other registrars. | |
Free private whois protection for a full year with new domain purchases. |
Rarely see the $1-$2 domain specials you sometimes see with other registrars. |
How Much Do Domains Cost With Namecheap?
Domain pricing is generally controlled by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), so when they raise the pricing, all the registrars are forced to follow suit. Never pay more than $10 for a domain name. For the main TLDs – .com, .net and .org, you can find domains at Namecheap for around $9. For the .info TLD, the price runs around $3. Domain transfers cost about $5 apiece. You do get free WhoIsGuard protection for new domains for a year, and after that it is cheap ranging between $2-$3 depending if you get a multi-domain guard package.
Is Namecheap The Ideal Registrar To Use?
When you take everything into consideration, Namecheap is the best option as far as registrars go. Their pricing is always competitive and you can usually find coupons to save even more with Namecheap domains. Transferring domains in the case of website sales is a hassle-free process, and we’ve never had a problem with a domain being compromised or taken away with Namecheap. This is the service we almost always use to buy domains. They don’t have an auction system for expiring domains, so we’ll use GoDaddy or other specialized services for those. The only other time we don’t use Namecheap is in the case where some other registrars offer crazy discounts that result in $1 or $2 domain purchases. Occasionally you can find these types of deals with GoDaddy and, but never use 1 & 1 – you want to stay away from them even if they’re giving away domains. Click here to visit the Namecheap site.
Ready To Get Started?
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